Dedicated Service Level Agreement

Hardware Replacement Service Level Agreement

BeeDragon guarantees that in the event of a dedicated server hardware failure, the faulty hardware will be replaced within 24 Hours of identifying the problem. In the event that this guarantee is not met, BeeDragon will issue a credit for ten times the actual amount of additional downtime recorded by service monitoring logs. The amount of compensation may not exceed the customer’s monthly recurring charge. This guarantee does not include the time it requires to perform additional software related maintenance, including rebuilding web accounts from backups, cloning hard drives, reloading the operating system, reloading and configuring applications, or rebuilding RAID arrays.

Network Uptime Service Level Agreement

BeeDragon guarantees network uptime to be 100%. This guarantee assures that all major routing devices within our network are reachable from the global internet 100% of the time.

Network SLA Exclusions

Many possible situations are completely beyond the control of BeeDragon, and therefore are not in the scope of this SLA. These situations include:

  • Scheduled Network Maintenance – occasionally network maintenance will be required. BeeDragon will do everything possible to minimize and avoid downtime during this maintenance. Scheduled maintenance periods are not eligible for SLA credits.
  • Hardware Maintenance – on rare occasions, the hardware in your Dedicated Server may need maintenance or replacement. BeeDragon will do everything possible to minimize any downtime in these situations per our hardware replacement SLA. Any downtime incurred as a result of this maintenance will not be counted towards our network SLA.
  • Software Maintenance – an important part of managing a Dedicated Server is keeping the software up to date. If you choose to have BeeDragon manage your server, occasional software updates will be required to address security or performance issues. Usually you will experience little or no downtime in these situations, but we cannot guarantee a specific amount of time in all situations.
  • Malicious Attacks – if a third party not associated with BeeDragon initiates a “Denial of Service” or other form of disabling attack against your Dedicated Server or major portions of our network, BeeDragon will do everything in its power to stop the attack, but cannot guarantee a resolution time.
  • Legal Actions – In the case that a legal action is taken against a customer of BeeDragon and BeeDragon is required to act in accordance with the order, BeeDragon shall not be responsible for any SLA damages.
  • cPanel Issues – if you choose to run cPanel and Web Host Manager on your Dedicated Server, the default install will be configured for automatic updates of cPanel related software. On occasion, one of these automatic updates could adversely affect all or part of the cPanel related software on your server. BeeDragon will do whatever is necessary to fix any cPanel related problems, but cannot guarantee a resolution time.

Network SLA Remedy

In the event that BeeDragon does not meet this SLA, Dedicated Hosting clients will become eligible to request compensation for downtime reported by service monitoring logs. If BeeDragon is or is not directly responsible for causing the downtime, the customer will receive a credit for 10 times (1,000%) the actual amount of downtime. This means that if your server is unreachable for 1 hour (beyond the 0.0% allowed), you will receive 10 hours of credit.

All requests for compensation must be received within 5 business days of the incident in question. The amount of compensation may not exceed the customer’s monthly recurring charge. This SLA does not apply for any month that the customer has been in breach of BeeDragon Terms of Service or if the account is in default of payment.


All requests for compensation must be received within 5 business days of the incident in question. The amount of compensation may not exceed the customer’s monthly recurring charge. This SLA does not apply for any month that the customer has been in breach of BeeDragon Terms of Service or if the account is in default of payment. Duplication of SLA compensation is not allowed. Only one SLA credit may be given per incident. For example: if a network outage SLA event and a phone SLA event happen simultaneously. SLA compensation will only be given for one of the events.